Mission Statement

Our Goal @ Hog Rush is to control the Feral Hog population on rural properties throughout Alabama and surrounding States. It has been said by experts that you cannot eliminate these pests that destroy farm crops and cause damage to acreage. They say you can only control the problem. This may be true, but we are determined to prove this theory wrong. Our intentions are to trap, shoot, and otherwise remove these nuisance animals from properties throughout Alabama.
We wish to provide Alabama Farmers and Plantation Owners with the best options to control their Feral Hog Problem. When trapping becomes less effective during planting and harvest months, the most cost effective method becomes Night time Eradication. Hogs are mostly nocturnal and can rob a farmer blind overnight. We have seen entire rows of peanuts plowed up over night by a group of Hogs. The picture above shows part of what one Hog did in one night. He was harvested the next night.
By allowing guests a chance to experience our method of Hog Removal, we are able to control the Hog population, help pay for expenses, and save valuable farm crops that would otherwise be destroyed by free roaming Feral Hogs. When Hog Rush Guests decide against taking home Hog Meat, we are also able to donate the meat to various Churches, families, and Charities. It is my experience that Feral Hog Meat is cleaner, does not contain growth hormones or chemicals, and has a better taste than its commercially raised counterpart. Properly prepared Wild Hog meat is a delicacy.
Fill out the Guest, Date Booking form and join in on the effort.
R.S. Hooper, Owner HOG RUSH, LLC.